How to Get Rid of Headaches: Try These 9 Tips for Relief

Cutting histamine-rich foods from the diet may help reduce symptoms such as headaches in people who are sensitive to histamine (27). Evidence suggests that magnesium deficiency is more common in people who get frequent migraine headaches than in those who don’t (13). Developing a good relationship with the doctor who’s helping you manage your migraine is important. focus: addiction: relapse prevention and the five rules of recovery pmc Together, you can create a treatment plan that will not only help you manage the pain when a migraine happens, but also keep them from developing in the first place. Some people get warning signs called auras that tell them a migraine is coming. The American Migraine Foundation recommends taking your medication during the prodromal phase of the attack.

  1. The smells of essential oils may bother some people, and experimenting with different oils that individuals find relaxing may be a way to ease headache symptoms.
  2. Some people get warning signs called auras that tell them a migraine is coming.
  3. If you’re pregnant, don’t use any of these treatments without first talking with your provider.
  4. Likewise, migraines are often triggered by a poor night’s sleep.
  5. If you have a sinus headache, hold a warm cloth to the area that hurts.
  6. If you haven’t, consider keeping a headache diary to track your triggers.

This may be enough to relieve both your muscle and head pain. A review published in the Journal of Headache and Pain notes that caffeine alone may help reduce symptoms of a tension headache or migraine. Caffeine relaxes the blood vessels, which may support circulation and ease tension.

How to Treat a Headache without Drugs

When a headache comes on, you want to do everything you can to make it stop. Medication usually does the trick, but taking medication isn’t something you should make a habit of—and sometimes you just don’t have any handy. Many doctors recommend that their patients with migraine keep a journal of what they ate or what they were doing when they developed a migraine to look for patterns.

Try over-the-counter medications.

It’s important to avoid taking herbal supplements to treat a headache unless you’ve checked with a healthcare professional first to ensure the supplements are safe for you. Many herbal supplements can interfere with common medications and aren’t safe for everyone (68). Of the herbal supplements mentioned in the review listed above, curcumin and chamomile are generally considered safe. However, it’s important to check with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy to treat headaches. Studies suggest that cold therapy may benefit those experiencing certain types of headaches, including headaches caused by nitrate medication used to treat heart conditions like chest pain (37).

Mild headaches

Waiting too long to address your migraine symptoms or take preventive steps can increase how often — and how severely — a migraine strikes. If you don’t regularly drink enough water, increasing your intake may both help reduce your migraine pain and prevent the ultimate guide to alcohol recovery books repeat attacks. Ask your health care provider if these treatments are right for you. If you’re pregnant, don’t use any of these treatments without first talking with your provider. Ask your health care provider if these medications are right for you.

Behavioral Therapy to Prevent Migraines

In fact, a 2005 study found that migraine sufferers who took feverfew cut their number of headaches per month from nearly five to just under two. Which one you prefer is up to you, but they both can help with migraines and headaches. «Ice packs work because they basically numb the area,» Dr. Newman says. «Hot packs work because they increase the blood flow to that area.» If you’re at home, try stepping in the shower and letting the warm water hit your head.

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